Saturday, March 11, 2006

Shelby has embraced the idea of signing. Her she asks Daddy to take more pictures. Maybe she's a budding photgrapher like Mommy. Right now they love watching Sesame Street and Signing Time, a series of videos by a mom who has a deaf child. While the video is great for all members of the family, the songs do get stuck in your head on occasion.
The Father of the Bride

Keri got married last weekend in Sacramento. We stayed down the street at the Sutter Home Hotel without the children. We had a great time walking around downtown and enjoying the sight of the city at night without the children. Did I mention we went without the children?
Keri was a beautiful bride and Scott just beamed. Sean sang a wonderful song at the reception about how he loves her unconditionally and the whole family danced the night away. These are days that memories are made of.
The First Dance

Keri and Sean Ranney's first dance at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The reception was on the 15th floor overlooking the Capitol Building. You can see it lit up in the background through the window.
The reception included a nice dinner and dancing. Susan's family, Sandra's family, Warner, and I sat at the same table. We had so much fun dancing the night away. In fact, we danced so much I had a hard time walking the 3 blocks back to my hotel afterwards. My feet were so sore, but it was worth it.
Matt and Mette

Matt and Mette have been happily married for almost 6 months. They were a part of the wedding party for Keri's wedding. Mette was beautiful as ever in her red dress. They were so fun to watch on the dancefloor being as goofy as ever. Mom says that Matt has met his match with Mette, and who could ever imagine her as a pastor's daughter from Denmark. Both are doing well working at Bayside in Granite Bay near Sacramento. Matt is continuing his seminary training and work as a youth pastor while Mette works in the Children's Ministries department.
Sunday in Sacramento

After the train museum, we bought some candy in Old Town before hwading home to pick up the kids. We stopped in Lodi for In N Out. Gotta love a Double Double Animal Style.
Breakfast with Dad

We met at the restaurant at the Hyatt Regency Hotel for breakfast with Dad. It was so much fun to have all the girls together to see Dad. Of course, you can see my Diet Pepsi for breakfast. Love my caffeine in the morning. Dad is still living in Sacramento with Nadine. He just got a weekend job at Lowe's.
Sandra and Elias

Sandra and Elias at the train museum. This was fun for Elias because he is really into trains right now. He is turning 4 in July and becoming a big boy. He enjoys his gymnastics class and the Little Gym, playing outside, and running running running.
Sandra enjoys being a mom and playing Bunko once a month. She is such a great mom. Who knew she and I would be moms together.
Family photos

Susan, Katie , and Jason at the train museum. Katie is growing to be a sweet young lady. She is part of a copetition dance team and enjoys school.
Jason turned 18 this year and will graduate from Highschool in the spring. He is into photography like his aunt. We have fun discussing the ins and outs of taking a good picture and the photography business.
Susan is working for Clovis Unified as a head cook. Roght now she is learning the ropes a sub but thinks she will get her own kitchen this fall. We think she will do well as a head chef :).