Sarah Dozier's Blog

Monday, January 23, 2006

Four Wheel Driving on Bald Mountain Trail

Here is a picture submitted by Made of Dust from the Christian Four Wheelers. In the background you can see Warner's truck also stuck in 3 feet of snow. Birddog's rig is the one in front. He graciously tried to blaze a trail for us around some guys who broke 2 beads right in the middle of the trail (Translations: The guys' tires were pushed off their metal rims and they had to pull them back on before moving again. Not Good!). We had a great time driving in the snow for fun. No really, it was fun!!!

To go to the Christian Four Wheller site, go to and check out what's going on at the Forum

Monday, January 09, 2006

Mom Stuff

I went to my first Twin's Club meeting tonight and realized how differently my life has changed in the past 10 years:

1. I went to my high school reunion this past fall. While shopping for an outfit to wear (Hello, neede something without assortted stains and /or smudges), I found myself asking for minimizers instead of a push up bra.

2. The first questionI'm asked when meeting new friends is how old my children are. In reponse, I find out the particulars on theirs. We now talk about Girl's Night Out like it is gold and plan playdates.

3. My friends are turning 30......When did we pass 22?

4. I may not know the latest rock band but I know all the words to "Elmo's World."

I know some of you will say, yeah I remember when you were a..... but it's strange to me to be all grown up. Well, better go to bed. It's way past my bedtime.

Friday, January 06, 2006

In Memory of Peanut

On December 28th, we lost our Peanut to a miscarraige. Many of you
may not have known that we were expecting miracle baby #3 , but
we were saddened and a little shocked by our loss. As Warner said,
"Blessed be the name of the Lord in all things." That's why we dedicate
the Newsboy's song "Blessed by Your Name" our little Peanut.

We want to thank everyone for your gifts of cards, flowers, and support
during this time. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends and family.

Thanksgiving at the Dozier's House

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. Mom wanted to have Mette's parents see the mountain while they were visiting from Denmark. It was fun and different to have 2 different languages being spoken at our table even though Creston and Hannah's English was quite good. The family enjoyed hanging out in the backyard and playing Sequence. If you haven't experienced this board game, you should soon. It's very fun and challenging. Dad, Jo, Grandma Statkum, and Dad's family joined us for desset and storytime from Dad. A great time was had by all.

I Told You I'd Do It

Our new member of our family Shon enjoying the drumstick at Thanksgiving. Shon and Keri will be getting married in March and will be expecting a new baby in July. I told Shon this would end up on our BLOG and I did it.

Celebrating Matt & Mette's Wedding

The season for celebrating Matt & Mette Furby's wedding is now over. It started in October with their wedding in Denmark, continued on with a reception in Clovis, and ended with a reception at Bayside Church where Matt is an intern. As you can tell, the couple is very happy to be married and are enjoying their lovenest in Penryn outside of Saramento. Mette finally got her green card, so she will soon be working and driving in the U.S.

As a surprise, Shon, Keri's Boyfriend, flew to London after the wedding and proposed. Congratulations to the happy couple. They plan to marry March 4th in downtown Sacramento.

TO KEEP IT ALL STRAIGHT: Matt is Scott's son, my brother/stepbrother. Scott is my stepdad. Matt is 25 years old. Keri is Scott's daughter, my sister/stepsister. She is 27 years old. Just a note for those who need a reminder.

Updates on Shelby

Shelby is our child who makes her needs known. If Shelby aint happy, you know about it. Hmmmm....who does that sound like? She loves chanting, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!" everyday when she sees Dad's headlight come up the driveway. Grandma thinks it's very cute indeed. We love our Shel Belle and are glad she's part of our family!

Shelby Playing Outside

I can't beieve I got Shelby to sit on the ground and play. Usually she is a prime donna and won't tolerate dirt. Trust me it's not from not giving her the opportunity or making her stay clean. She just is not as adveturous as her brother. It's funny how your beliefs and ideas start changing once you actually have kids of your own.

Charlie is ALWAYS in motion

Here is new picture of Charlie. He never stops running unless you count naps and eating which he'd do running if we let him. Now his new game is run away from Mom and giggle. My sister used to call this game "Chasin Jason" with her son. Luckily Shelby likes to stay close, so I don't have to run in two directions. Now I know why everyone said to count my blessings while they were stil immobile.

Charlie is a Big Boy

Charlie sitting in a chair outside. He was very patient while Mommy shot some photos for her portfolio and just plain fooled around with her digital camera.

By the way, this was shot by Dozier Photography. Photos that reflect your lifestyle. Call (559) 855-6611 to reserve your date today. Okay commercial's over. Enjoy!