Friday, February 24, 2006
I'm writing this post with no threat of interuption. Today was a good day. I got up this motning to feed the dogs thinking, "There's something I must remember...What is today?Thursday.... Trash Day!" After wheeling the trash can through the snow (Do they make chains for trash cans?) I climbed over the mound of snow that fell of the roof to get more dog food. Got the children up, fed them, and played until Sesame Street when I could finish dishes and play a little sudoku. After Sesame Street came lunch and the pone call that changed my day. Cheryl wanted the kids for a few days. Grabbing what was left of clean clothes out of the drawers, I went over and dropped off the kids and headed to town for Twin's Club night out. No one showed up so I called Josh and opted for Denny's instead. Around 11 p.m. we decided it was time to go home. Now I can stay up and watch movies or I can go to sleep knowing I don't have to get up until I want to. Freedom sweet freedom.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Day 3
Day 3 was uneventful if anything. Stayed home and played with the kids. Charlie learned to tickle tickle mommy while she pretended to sleep on the couch. I miss Warner but I know he's busy in Mexico. Thursday brings Twins Club dinner out and Friday the dryer gets installed. I think I may bring some clothes to Mom's seeingas the children are running low on clothes.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Day 2
Day 2 started out with a call from Dianna asking what we were doing at Mom's group today. After chatting with her a few minutes, I got myself ready and proceeded to make the kids breakfast. Cheryl was suposed to have the kids, but Cressman Rd. was a skating rink so we opted to leave the kids home. During breakfast Deegan's called to set up installation of the dryer, and it was off to MOM. What fun it was to play and chat with the other moms even though Cody and Charlie were trying to decide who the Alpha of the group was going to be. After MOM was a trip to the store for cabbage for Kelley and a few groceries. Filled up at the gas station. OUCH! Ran to Kelley's to drop off said cabbage and get a quick peek at those adorable babies and realized why I am so happy to have 22 month olds. Babies are hard! Naptime, dinner time, bath time, and cleaning up the toys. All the animals are snuggly in the Ark and Mrs. Noah has found her way home. Did Mrs. Noah have a first name? Then the crying started.....uh oh.....I know that cry......there's something in the bathtub.......Yep sure is....Spray off children and deposit them into bed after brushing teeth and saying prayers. Cleaned out the bathtub and finished dinner while trying to watch the Olympics. Not worth sitting through ADHD broadcastng, so I am off to pillage at Puzzle Pirates before bed. Survived Day 2. Now let's see about Day 3.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Day 1
Hubby left for Mexico this morning leaving me with the children alone for a whole week. Of course the weekend before he left winter decided to return to Shaver along with 8 inches of snow. To top it off both my children have seemed to find themselves in the Terrible Twos and the dryer decided to start its death throws once again. was spent driving around Fresno finding a store that will deliver a dryer and install it this week. Guess most stores are afraid of propane. Finally ended up at Best Buy (I hate Best Buy unless shopping for DVD's with friends) where I ended up waiting 20 minutes to talk to a salesman and paying an outrageous fee to get dryer installed. Came home to grumpy son who decided today was not a day to take a nap, but after dinner bath, and prayers fell asleep just fine. Now its off to take my melatonin and try to get some sleep. Day 1 is complete and everyone is still alive. Bring on Day 2.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
A Day at the Park

Left to right: Warner Charles, Andrew Simon, Johnathan Simon, and Shelby
Charlie Loves Cheerios

Charlie loves his cheerios. This particular morning he snagged them off of the table and started walking around the house with them.
Latest accomplishment: Speaking in sentences. While they aren't always clear he is loving putting words together. The other day he told Mom, " I like our truck." He also says thank you a lot.
Shelby Belle

Shelby is getting braver and trying new things. Here she is climbing the slide at the Sierra Lutheran Church playground where we hold Mothers on the Mountain each week. She still wouldn't slide down by herself but she loved Mom going down the slide with her.
Latest accomplishment: Saying Thank You both in speech and sign language, climbing behind the couch and between mom and dad's legs.
Trinity Elizabeth Barr

Trinity Elizabeth Barr was born to Kelley and Tray Barr today. She is Baby A of the new twins in our life. Kelley is Sarah's friend and partner in crime for Mothers On the Mountain. Sarah is so happy to have something new in common with Kelley now that she has twins as well. Guess friends of a feather have twins together.
Lauryn Grace Barr

Lauryn Grace Barr arrived today. She is Baby B of the new set of twins. Visit for the whole story.